What is Self Expression?
To me it is
Offering love
Nurturing yourself
Expressing your true self intuitively
Your Form (the way you present yourself to the world, is honest and true).
Seeing your relationship to everything - value or not
Belief in yourself. You Are Capable.
Self responsibility
How is your true expression currently being achieved in your life right now? Questions inspired by (spring spirit,2022)
Authentic self-expression inspires and motivates me?
a) Seldom true
b) Sometime true
c) Often True
I express what is in my heart?
a) Seldom true
b) Sometime true
c) Often True
I express wholeness; there is no part of me or my life that is not fully embraced?
a) Seldom true
b) Sometime true
c) Often True
My words and actions are clear and conscious?
a) Seldom true
b) Sometime true
c) Often True
My communication is honest, timely and complete. I do not deceive, delay or diminish when I speak my truth?
a) Seldom true
b) Sometime true
c) Often True
I know when I am expressing myself authentically and when I’m not?
a) Seldom true
b) Sometime true
c) Often True
I invite honesty and truth-telling?
a) Seldom true
b) Sometime true
c) Often True
I am aware of the impact of my words and actions?
a) Seldom true
b) Sometime true
c) Often True
My words and actions contribute in a positive way to myself and others?
a) Seldom true
b) Sometime true
c) Often True
There is integrity between who I am, what I say and how I act?
a) Seldom true
b) Sometime true
c) Often True